Thursday, November 28, 2019

Jordanians and Palestinians Living the Test of Times at the West Bank Essay Example Essay Example

Jordanians and Palestinians Living the Test of Times at the West Bank Essay Example Paper Jordanians and Palestinians Living the Test of Times at the West Bank Essay Introduction West Bank, is a southwestern Asia territory that bound by the Jordan territory in its eatern portion and Israel on its north, south and western portions. It is geographically placed seen on the western bank of the Jordan river. This territory was once part of Palestine but was formally annexed by Jordan in 1950. Jordan ruled the area until 1967 and during its rule, it granted full citizenship to Palestinians who were then living in the area (Encarta online encyclopedia, 2007).The armies of Syria, Egypt and Jordan engaged into a six day war with Israel, in 1967. The Arab armies were defeated and Israel took control of several territories occupied by Syria, Egypt and Jordan and such included the West Bank. In 1988, Jordan ceded to the Palestine Liberation Organization all territorial claims to the West Bank, however, this did not do much because Israel also tried to establish its rule over the area. Israel imposed its laws in the West Bank governing the Palestinians in the process (Enc arta online encyclopedia, 2007).The Israeli government introduced various reforms and improvement in the area, however, not all of these reforms benefitted the West Bank inhabitants. The Israeli built roads for their exclusive use only, the Palestinians were prohibited from utilizing it. The Palestinians also tried to establish their claim over the West Bank against the Israeli government. The clash on the establishment of power in the West Bank, led to bloody uprisings. It was only through a peace convention in 2006 that Israeli government agreed to retreat its forces in the area (Encarta online encyclopedia, 2007).Majority of the population in the West Bank are Palestinian Arabs and 10 percent of the population in the area are Christian Arabs. Agriculture is the primary economic activity of the people because of the lack of more fruitful economic ventures in the area. Most of the job opportunities can be found on neighboring Arab countries like Israel. The currency that are cicula ting in the area are the Israeli new sheqel and the Jordanian dinar. The dialects in the West Bank are similar to the Jordanian dialect (Encarta online encyclopedia, 2007).According to a Time magazine article, the Jordanian rule of the West Bank was more palatable for the Palestinians than the rule of the Israelis because they share the same culture. The Israelis were like robbers who took the Palestinian culture away from them. However, this does not mean that the Palestinians accepted the Jordanian rule with open arms. The two groups also had their share of uprisngs in the quest of both parties to retain power over the West Bank area. The Jordanian government invested heavily on the West bank even if this was already under the Israeli control because it had the aim of recovery. The investment made by the Jordan government on the area somehow uplifted the economy in the West Bank, however, this positive standing in the economy did not last long as other wars and uprising ensued thu s, crippling the area’s available resources (Encarta on line encyclopedia, 2007)The Palestinians in the West Bank are the original settlers of the area. They were the original heirs of the West Bank before it was occupied by various conquerors, among them were the Jordanians and the Israelis (Encarta on line encyclopedia, 2007).Based on culture and practices, the Palestinians and the Jordanians are almost similar. In terms of religion, both are attached to the Muslim faith. Majority of the Palestinians and Jordanians are Sunni Muslim, the largest sect in Islam. Others practice different religions such as Christianity, Jewish and the other Muslim sects (every culture, n.d.).For the Palestinians and the Jordanians, the role of women is basically to produce children and tend the household needs, they are not expected to work beyond the house and perform the duties of a man.Rarely is a woman perceived to be of equal rank as that of a man especially in the olden days. It is only r ecently that the women are allowed to perform other roles besides the tending the house needs and the children. Many women now are part of the workforce and are even doing men’s job. This shift of ideology was not because of cultural influence from the West but because of the dire need for women to take these roles. Life is economically difficult in the West Bank and all efforts must be contributed to find work and provide food for the family (every culture, n.d.).Aside from these similarities, the two cultures also share the same belief in terms of courtship and marriage. They do not adhere to the Western style of dating and courtship. Their beliefs dictate that the man and the woman should have associated with each others families before they should enter into a romantic relationship. Courtship does not mean entering into a simple relationship–it means marriage (every culture, n.d.).Marriage is an important rite of passage for both cultures. They usually celebrate th is with a feast catering 200 to 2,000 guests. A similar kind of celebration is also undertaken whenever a child is born, especially if the child is a baby boy. The Joradanian society has a higher regard for boys than girls. The Palestinians share the same ideology (every culture, n.d.).It is also the practice of the Jordanians to build houses that are several stories high; this is in preparation for the marriage of their sons. The sons who marry take their wives to the family home and live on one story of the house. The women take charge of the cooking as well as the household chores while the men do not contribute any effort to the household works as they are prohibited by their culture from engaging in such activites. The Palestinian men also do not do houesehold chores. They have high regard for gender roles and distinction of the sexes (every culture, n.d.).People from both cultures are also very hospitable. They do not allow their visitors to bring anything, they provide for al l the needs and the guests are expected to consume all that they serve. People from both cultures are also very formal and conservative, as compared to the Western people (every culture, n.d.).Most of the Jordanians and Palestinians also have a very good educational background. There is a great number of them who have attended school in universities and finished college degrees. However, those who are in the West Bank do not have very good jobs because there are only a few high paying jobs in the region. Most of the educated serve in Israel where there is a higher pay offered and in nearby Arab countries which have better economies. These Muslims, however, do not hold high positions in the countries that they work for because the priority are the local inhabitants. Aside from these they are not also given the same salary as to that of a local employee who hold the same position; they receive a lower salary. This practice can be attributed to the fact that the Israelis look lowly to the inhabitants of the West Bank, which happens to be a part of their conquered state until 2006 (every culture, n.d.).Among the dissimilarities in the culture of the Jordanians and the Palestinians is their heritage. The Jordanians have a country of their own—Jordan whereas the Palestines do nothave a territory that they can call their own. The Palestinians are displaced and most of them are refugees in different Arab countries including Jordan. The Palestinian territory in 1947 was divided by the United Nations into two—the Palestinian state and the Jewish state. The Palestinian Arabs who comprised sixty-five percent of the population then did not agree of the partition plan and as a result thereof, a war ensued. The Palestinian Arabs lost in the war while the Jewish state successfully established Israel in 1948. The Palestinians tried to establish their power in the area but they were not successful. This failure has led to poor stature of the Palestinians in the pr esent day (Encarta online encyclopedia, 2007).The water scarcity in the area also contributes to its poor economic standing, it lacks better resources that could provide for the needs of the people. The various uprisings and the surge for power in the area is also a factor. Instead of concentrating on enriching their economy, the Palestines are busy fighting for their right to rule their land from the Israelis. The Israeli government played hard in giving up the West Bank leadership as compared to the Jordanian government which ceded its interests to the Palestine Liberation Organization. This cession of interests may have been a factor for the co-existence of the Jordanians and Palestinians in the area. Another factor may have been the fact that the Jordan government houses many of the Palestinian refugees in their country and their sharing of similar religious belief and culture.The fact that majority of both cultures adhere to the same Muslim sect is a great factor. They do not h ave a clash of ideologies as compared to Christians and Jews who have great disparities in their principles and the ideologies that bind them. In addition, the Palestinian culture in the West Bank also have a great influence from the Jordanian culture because of its conquest of the area for nearly seventeen years and the curriculum that the education system in the West Bank region follows is patterned after the Jordanian curriculum. This type of curriculum may have been a factor in building a smoother relationship between the two cultures because they get to have a deeper understanding of each other’s beliefs and background.However, it must be noted that not all those who have Jordanian citizenship in the West Bank are really Jordanians. Many of those who hold such citizenship are Palestinians who have been living in the West Bank before the Palestinian National Administration came to power (Encarta online encyclopedia, 2007).ReferencesMicrosoft Encarta online encyclopedia (2 007). â€Å"West Bank†. Retrieved April 22, 2008, from Encarta online encyclopedia (2007). â€Å"Modern Palestine†. Retrieved April 22, 2008, from Culture (n.d.). â€Å"Jordanians†. Retrieved April 22, 2008, from Culture (n.d.). â€Å"Palestinians†. Retrieved April 22, 2008, from Culture (n.d.). â€Å"Culture of Palestine, West Bank and Gaza Strip†. Retrieved April 22, 2008, from Strip.htmlTime magazine (1978, June 19). West Bank: The Cruelest Conflict. Retrieved April 22, 2008, from,9171,919757-1,00.html; Jordanians and Palestinians Living the Test of Times at the West Bank Essay Thank you for reading this Sample!

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Beckett and the Apocalypse †Literature Informal Essay

Beckett and the Apocalypse – Literature Informal Essay Free Online Research Papers Beckett and the Apocalypse Literature Informal Essay The play Endgame opens up bleak and bare, a glaring introduction to its final impression on the reader or audience. We see the two windows and are almost reminded of a bare human skull. The characters are static; they do not change or progress and their general manner reflects their attitude of hopelessness and their question of meaning. Throughout its single act, the play demonstrates a dominant worldview of inevitable death and absence of meaning through absurd references to the Bible and the general meaninglessness of the characters’ lives. The term â€Å"endgame† is a word used by chess players- it signifies the last part of a chess game, wherein, although the game is not over and there are technically moves remaining, the winner has already been determined. The winner and determined end here in the play is death. In essence, the play is about four characters waiting to die. In fact, one, Nell, does die. Hamm, the owner of the setting and central character in the play, is much like the loser king in a chess match that has moved to the â€Å"endgame† sequence. He has Clov move him around meticulously, positioning him and adjusting his chair. In the end, however, this means nothing- he will die no matter what he does. Death as the inevitable end can be interpreted in two ways. We all will die, individually; upon our birth we inherit the fate of death- we are born into an endgame. However, Beckett creates a bare stage and has his characters describe the seemingly post apocalyptic state of the outside world- the lack of any people, the calm waters, the wasteland desert, etc. Here is a sweeping biblical allusion- referring not to any point in the play specifically, but a general setting and feeling that echoes the book of Revelation. This final book of the New Testament describes the end of the world similarly- at least the audience is meant to envision the state of the Earth following the Apocalypse. Here is another endgame- the end of humanity as a whole. This more universal endgame reflects Beckett’s general nihilistic worldview- that human life is meaningless and absurd. One is reminded of MacBeth’s lament in Shakespeare’s play of the same name, â€Å"Life is full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.† For all the â€Å"sound† and the â€Å"fury†- i.e., all the conversation and the walking and the fetching three-legged dogs in the play, the end is the same: death. In actuality, death is accelerated when Clov is assumed to leave Hamm because they both prolong life for each other, but regardless of this final action, they will die. The inevitability of death is completely independent on any action in itself; this unavoidability compounds the absurdity of life and all of its moves. Beckett also uses the Bible to compound life’s absurdity. The general worldview of the Bible is one of hope- specifically the Gospels of the New Testament. However, when Beckett uses biblical allusions throughout a play with such a nihilistic worldview as Endgame, the hopefulness of the Bible sounds almost silly. The characters in the play do not understand the biblical allusions and thus do not understand the hopeful message of the Bible. For example, Nell’s final word is â€Å"desert!† The exclamation was directed to Clov, who explained to Hamm that, â€Å"She told me to go away, into the desert† (23). This could be an allusion to Christ’s journey into the desert to fast and get closer to God. Clov â€Å"didn’t understand† (24) Nell’s cry, just as no other characters understood any message of hope throughout the play. Although the Bible as a whole contains a hopeful message for mankind, Beckett uses the empirical evidence of t he characters’ lack of purpose and seemingly invalidates the hopefulness of the Bible. The biblical worldview mentions salvation and hope for a new life as part of its basic tenets. However, it also accounts for death, such as in the apocalyptic account of Revelation. The play Endgame uses simply the message of inevitable death found in the Bible and creates a meaningless, pathetic universe. We are treated to a barrage of senseless acts and general words that have no purpose and contribute nothing to the characters’ lives- we leave gaping, asking for more but wondering about the general meaning of our own actions. Research Papers on Beckett and the Apocalypse - Literature Informal EssayHonest Iagos Truth through DeceptionThe Masque of the Red Death Room meaningsHarry Potter and the Deathly Hallows EssayThe Hockey GameComparison: Letter from Birmingham and CritoMind TravelCanaanite Influence on the Early Israelite ReligionThe Fifth HorsemanCapital PunishmentThe Spring and Autumn

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Conflicts in Organizations Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Conflicts in Organizations - Research Paper Example d structure is rigidly followed can create conflict when a given shareholder is required to discuss certain aspects of a project or a given task with individuals outside of their direct chain of command. Naturally, evidence of conflict can constitute itself in a vast array of different ways. Most notably, conflict can be visibly evidenced by verbal means or be the fact that formerly close colleagues and/or departments are not longer working together with a level of efficiency that was previously realized. However, more nuanced aspects of conflict can be evidenced by the fact that existing processes are not being followed and workflow is either not getting done at all or is being performed by alternative means. Although there are a number of visible means by which conflict can be evidenced on the surface, the sublevels of conflict can also rob an organization of its competitive advantage. Whereas visible conflict is usually easy to note, hidden conflict is much more difficult to find and determine the root cause of. Similarly, due to the fact that many shareholders are naturally reticent to be completely honest with management regarding the true source of the conflict, hidden conflict is one of the means by which an organization can secretly be drained of efficiency, potential, and talent (Mukhtar 44). Within a situation in which hidden conflict is evidenced, one of the most obvious means by which that this is evidenced is the fact that a greatly lower level of moral is seen among the shareholders. Although this is not always indicative of hidden conflict, it is a key indicator that can be utilized to call the leader’s attention to the fact that underlying levels of conflict may be robbing the organization of efficiency, satisfaction, and talent. More importantly than merely recognizing that conflict exists is of course the measures that can be taken to root it out and ensure that it does not further affect the determinants of the organization which have

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

THE MARKETING RESEARCH PROPOSAL Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

THE MARKETING RESEARCH PROPOSAL - Essay Example The point is how do they manage with such a surrounding?, while conducting a marketing research it becomes quiet clear that culture, language, and food are the major problems, if the University in which the residential students study take steps to bring expected arrangements, these inconveniences will get reduced. The student’s opinion plays a key role in analysing the issues. In accordance with these issues The Wellington Research Council has decided to run business catering to the needs of the Massey University Programs and the overseas students who participate in that, so with the intention to make their business successful the marketing research method has been chosen. A marketing research will best suit for this dissertation because, a marketing research involves the evaluation of collected information, and help us in selecting or choosing a considerable solution to the problem undertaken. This research is done with particular focus on the Massey University Programs and the students of the above University. The study also have many things reviewed, they are the difficulties faced by residential students in managing with the unfamiliar social and political atmosphere, the adjustment issues in spite of the existing disparities and to facilitate the administration of the Universities to assist the students to get by the discrepancies. A survey was undertaken by preparing questionnaires for students who have come form other countries or overseas, based on the responses given, the conclusion was considered that though they might be exposed to a varying atmosphere, they develop a sense of open mindedness towards accepting the diversities and difficulties. But the question of adjustment with a complete convenience remains. The concept of living in a cross cultural surrounding is increasing a lot, particularly among the

Monday, November 18, 2019

Asylum Rights in International Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Asylum Rights in International Law - Essay Example The right of asylum, otherwise known as political asylum, relates to an individual rejected by their own country being protected by another sovereign authority. The institution of asylum dates from the same time with the start of civilization. It is an international concept that still has not received apt considerations in terms of the inalienable rights in the international human rights charter. There exist setbacks in terms of interpretation where many states argue that they cannot put their sovereignty to test due to the international human rights stipulations. Asylum develops from persecution and many different forms of persecution can lead to application of asylum. There are specific persecutions that lead to an individual gaining the refugee status. Persecution on the basis of gender practices has been common in the recent years. This has advanced the claims for asylum among many people across the world. Persecution ranges on different factors which can include gender, religion and social status. An additional note is that the meaning of persecution may also comprise discrimination of persons opposing colonialism. Many states have incorporated their immigrant requirements and asylum allowance into the same legal structure. The decision of a granting a persecuted individual or a refugee asylum depends on the state. This paper seeks to analyze the status of asylum within international human rights law. ... The rights to asylum therefore, are well spelt out and cannot be enjoyed at the expense of a country’s security and derogation of the international law. It is apt to discuss the description and status of refugees who are different form asylum seekers. On the contrary, human rights work brings about challenges for asylum supporters. This field of international human rights has witness intense reforms since the mid twentieth century. This was the time when the principle normative frame for refugees was recognized. The gender based approach on understanding the fundamental rights has changed what counts as rights violation. This is on a scope that the violations are not only viewed as private or stately induced but political violations. Clearly this informs the description of asylum as political based (Gibney, 2005 p74). International human rights subject has thus transformed to incorporate issues linked to gender-based public issues, sexuality and sexual orientation. Internation al human rights are viewed on grounds of development, globalization and health. Home displacement has emerges as a key area of concern, shifting the dominance of a country’s sovereignty as a rationalization for non-involvement. These progress challenges asylum advocates to modernize the initial notions in refugee protection. This should be done while keeping grip of the old internationalist system in a situation where exilic defense of asylum seekers is in challenges. In international law, all contracting states to the United Nations should give sympathetic consideration to individuals who are unable to get travel documents from their countries. Under article 31, all these

Friday, November 15, 2019

Project Report on Himalaya Products

Project Report on Himalaya Products INDUSTRY SNAPSHOT The global medical industry is one of the worlds fastest growing industries, absorbing over 10% of gross domestic product of most developed nations. It constitutes of broad services offered by various hospitals, physicians, nursing homes, diagnostic laboratories, pharmacies and ably supported by drugs, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, medical equipment, manufacturers and suppliers. The medical and health care industry provides enormous employment opportunities to choose from. Apart from using the services of medical professionals, this industry also utilizes the expert services of public policy workers, medical writers, clinical research lab workers, IT professionals, sales/marketing professionals and health insurance providers. SIZE OF THE INDUSTRY The United States of America has one of the largest medical and healthcare industries in the world, followed by Switzerland and Germany. The USAs medical industry comprises of more than 750,000 physicians and 5,200 hospitals. USA witnesses approximately 3.8 million inpatient visits and 20 million outpatients visit on a daily basis. Furthermore, the United States of America has the largest workforce i.e. one in every 11 US residents employed in the health care business. The Global prescription drug market was $550 billion in the year 2006. Also, the total health care expenditures across the world were $4.5 trillion last year. Of which, US solely account for $ 2.2 trillion, $ 2 trillion in OECD countries and remaining $ 0.3 in other countries of the world. MAJOR SEGMENTS OF THE INDUSTRY The global medical industry is highly fragmented, comprising of various ancillary sectors namely medical equipment and supplies, pharmaceutical, healthcare services, biotechnology, and alternative medicines sectors. Medical Equipment and Supplies: It consists of various establishments or units engaged in designing, manufacturing, selling and distributing of surgical and medical instruments, ophthalmic, lab apparatus, electro medical, dental, irradiation, surgical appliances and supplies. Pharmaceutical Industry It consists of several establishments involved in developing, researching, marketing and distributing drugs or medicines. Globally, the market share of pharmaceutical industry is US $340 billion. The global pharmaceutical sales account for US$ 602 billion, with an annual growth rate of 7%. Healthcare Services Industry It includes various establishments dealing in different type of services like testing, outsourcing, compliance, chemical analysis, transcription, quality assurance, validation, and other types of services. The global market share of biotechnology services industry is worth US $ 50 billion, which is soon expected to witness a hike in coming years. Presently, pharmaceutical testing service industry values to US $ 5.9 billion, which is predicted to reach US $ 9.5 billion by the end of 2009. Microbiological testing service industry accounts for US $ 2.4 billion. Globally, the medical outsourcing services industry accounts for approximately US $ 200 billion. Biotechnology Industry It is one of the most research-intensive segments of the global healthcare industry. Biotechnology industry is composed of many establishments, which are engaged in making wide variety of biotech products. Biotechnology is primarily being used by the pharmaceutical industry but there are other industries like agriculture, mining, waste treatment industries as well, which are making continuous use of biotechnology. Biotechnology companies focus on developing methods or products used for preventing, diagnosing and treating dozens of life threatening and chronic diseases. The biotechnology industry has mushroomed since its inception and at present it is equivalent to US $ 50.7 billion. China, USA, India, Australia, and France are the market leaders of biotech products in the world. Alternative Medication Industry It consists of various groups involved in the promotion of different forms of alternative medications and therapies like ayurveda, homeopathy, aromatherapy, massage therapy etc. The total market size of alternative medicine is valued at US $2.7 billion while global market for traditional therapies accounts for US $60 billion. Dietary Supplements Industry As per the Office of Dietary Supplements, consumers in the USA spent $20.3 billion on dietary supplements in 2004. This comprises of vitamins, minerals, herbs, botanicals, amino acids, whole foods, nutraceuticals, etc, the USFDA regulates dietary supplements differently than the conventional foods and drug products. Regulated by the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 (DSHEA), the manufacturers are responsible for ensuring the safety of dietary supplements before they are marketed. The industry derives much of its demand from growing health awareness, ageing population, consumer spending, and nutrition trends. Bringing out innovative products, effective merchandising and competitive pricing determines the manufacturers profitability. Supplements are sold via supermarkets, drugstores, Internet, mail orders, health food stores, and by direct sellers. KEY GROWTH DRIVERS OF THIS INDUSTRY There are various factors, which govern the growth of the medical and healthcare industry. Some of the key factors are: Continuous investments in research development has resulted in increased productivity and better quality of drugs, medicines, medical instruments, hospital equipment, and other medical supplies used in medical industry. Provides employment to large chunk of human population. United States of America has the largest workforce i.e. one in every 11 US residents employed in the health care business. Increased costs in the medical treatment in the developed nations have driven patients to migrate to Asian countries. Rise in ailments among the ageing population especially in developed nations has led to the increase in demand of variety of drugs or medicines. Innovative techniques of drug discovery and drug development, new cures and treatments, gene testing for insurance, genetic predictions of disease and related issue, human cloning and reproductive technologies are the other key drivers of the medical industry. FUTURE PERSPECTIVE OF THE INDUSTRY The future perspective of medical industry seems to be immensely bright and encouraging for this industry in terms of the expected surge in global demand and upsurge in investments. Several trends such as globalization, continuous investments in research and development, newer techniques of drug development and discovery, product proliferation, mergers and acquisitions are the key drivers of this industry. Increasing corporatization of Private Healthcare in the backdrop of a growing and affluent middle class is an emerging trend that has been pushing the growth of this industry. Health Insurance and Medical Tourism are the other significant trends, which are governing the global healthcare and medical industry. Most of the nations are now emphasizing on the accreditation of medical professionals so as to ensure legitimacy of the services provided by them. Robust advancement in the field of information technology will allow critical medical data to be processed and transferred quickly over larger distances, thereby saving time of both the patients and physicians in the speeding delivery of treatment. THE INDIAN HEALTHCARE MARKET India Spends US $ 22.7 Billion On Healthcare HEALTHCARE MARKET (2005 VS 2025) Healthcare is the third largest growth segment in India THE CURRENT STATUS OF HEALTHCARE Out of pocket semi-urban and rural expenses higher than Urban DRIVERS OF GROWTH Increasing health awareness, Increasing spends on health Health Insurance penetration Increasing disease burden lifestyle diseases Awareness of healthcare and preventive care Employer provided healthcare Community based health plans INDIA PREFERS PRIVATE PROVIDERS Private expenditure as % of total expenditure on health : 82.7 (2004) MAJOR PLAYERS Healthcare services is highly unorganised segment in India ABOUT HIMALAYA The Himalaya Drug Company was founded in 1930 by Mr. M. Manal with a clear vision to bring Ayurveda to society in a contemporary form and to unravel the mystery behind the 5000 year old system of medicine. The Himalaya Drug Company is a leader in the Indian phyto-pharmaceutical (Ayurvedic) products ever since its founder M Manal, while visiting Burma in 1930, discovered how elephants were pacified and developed the worlds first anti-hypertensive drug, Serpina. It offers a wide range of pharmaceutical, personal care, consumer and animal health products. Over 300,000 doctors around the globe have endorsed Himalayas products and consumers in over 70 countries rely on Himalaya for their health and personal care needs. The company has pioneered the use of modern science to rediscover and validate the secrets of Ayurveda, the centuries-old Indian system of medicine. It employs cutting edge-technology to create pharmaceutical-grade ayurvedic products. Himalaya is dedicated to providing the highest quality and consistency in herbal care products and the company was also awarded the ISO 9001-2000 certification in 2003. Himalaya has always focused on developing safe, natural and innovative remedies that will help people live safe and healthier lives. Himalayas history is one of innovation through research. The company believes that ideal healthcare system lies in the synergy in between ayurveda and modern science. Himalayas constant endeavour is to create innovative products that satisfy the health and personal care requirements of contemporary living. VISION To bring Ayurveda the source of natural medication, to the society in a modern-day form and to untangle the mystery behind the 5000 year old system of medicine. MISSION Establish Himalaya as a science based, problem solving holistic brand with its source entrenched in the ancestry of nature and characterized by trust and healthy lives. Not just consider the local markets but also broaden their horizons across regions (worldwide) with a long term in-depth approach, by adopting the highest ethical standards at each step. Value, consider and utilize the inputs of all the stakeholders of the Himalaya family to garner the seed to shelf policy. The focus is on adopting eco friendly practices to support the environment that we live in. The employees are expected to support the Himalayan promise of exceeding consumer expectations each and every time. PRODUCT SERVICES Himalayas products can be broadly classified into 3 main ranges viz. Healthcare Health maintenance, eye care, skin care, cardiac care, immune booster and cough control Personal Care Health care, oral care, hair care, skin care and baby care Animal Health Daily care products for sensitive cats and dogs Each of the products under the categories mentioned above are ayurvedic and have no side effects after use. Constant innovation has been the mantra of the management at Himalaya. Himalaya has had some exceptional innovative products in its product offerings that has helped it grow in stature. Some of the most successful innovations that have helped Himalaya become the leaders in Herbal Healthcare are as follows; Serpina Derived from the plant serpentina. It was a natural tranquiliser with anti-hypersensitive properties. Was the world first natural hypersensitive medicine launched in 1930. Liv. 52 An apt example of innovation at Himalaya. The RD department was given the job to come up with a natural remedy that improved liver function as that was the main concern of people then in 1950. The team came up with a natural medicine that became the hallmark of innovation. Today, 1 billion tablets and 13 million syrup bottles of Liv. 52 are sold annually across the globe. Bonnisan A sweet tasting natural paediatric digestive tonic introduced in 1972. Soon after launch it became the leading brand in its category and today is Indias number 1 paediatric digestive product. On further research in Malaysia, Bonnisan also helped cure the long standing asthama problems in several preteens. Reosto A unique herbomineral preparation that slows bone loss and strengthens bone. The plant hormones that are present present in Resto influences the bone formation and also minimizes the risk of fracture cased by osteoporosis. Menosan It is an ideal alternative to Hormone Replacement Therapy. Menosan helps women during the menopausal and post menopausal stages. The plant derived hormones i.e. phytoestrogens are completely risk free and help women cope with the menopausal discomforts and mood swings. PureHands A herbal sanitizer that kills 99.9% of the germs and prevents infection. The germicidal action on Neem, freshness of lemon and softening action of hrivera has helped this product gain acceptance in the market. Himplasia A product that was launched in 2002 to help aged men deal with the prostrate problems. This is a natural product with no side effects and men could start taking this medicine early and hence restrict the growth of the prostrate. Hair Loss Cream This product helps reduce hair loss, stimulate hair growth, increase hair thickness and improve tensile strength of hair. The regular use of this product lead to a 20% reduction in hair loss in just 2 weeks. In their effort to do something good for the society, Himalaya has also forayed into many community services and corporate citizenship programs, which are a part of their corporate social responsibility. This has been broadly classified into Health, Education, Community and Environment. Himalaya has constantly been investing in Training, Education and community welfare projects. They have taken the global cultivation practices, contract cultivation techniques and rain water harvesting techniques to the farmers. Partnerships with companies like Shristhi Special Academy (NGO) and IDEI has helped them walk an extra mile towards community services. GLOBAL PRESENCE Himalaya has grown from being an Indian Ayrvedic brand to a global player with its products being well accepted in more than 70 countries. It has a sound base in USA, Middle East, Europe and Asia and has been diversifying its base rapidly. Himalaya went onto instituting a global company in the name of Himalaya Global Holdings Ltd. which is a parent company of the Himalaya Drug Company worldwide. The company has its offices strategically located in 7 regions through which they reach across to 71 countries. One of the offices in Bangalore (India) extensively looks into the pharmaceutical operations for India, Russia and Asia Pacific while another office in Bangalore looks into only the consumer products. They have their other offices in: Europe Latvia, Middle East Dubai which also caters to the South African region U.S.A. Texas Houston which caters to USA, Canada, Mexico, South America and the Caribbean Singapore This office caters to East Asia and South Pacific Johannesburg This office caters predominantly to South Africa HIMALAYA NEW INITIATIVES Himalaya has come up with State of the art Retail Outlets that cater to only Himalaya Products. This is a strategy adopted by Himalaya to entice customers to buy more Himalaya products. This chain of exclusive Himalaya stores is a retail strategy adopted by the company to increase the accessibility, visibility and enhance the consumer shopping experience. In the fiscal year 2006, Himalaya has 92 exclusive retail stores and the number has been increasing ever since. These retail stores also act as crucial information centers where the customer queries are answered by trained managers. Also, these outlets are electronically linked to a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Cell, which is assisted by a team of medical doctors who respond to specific customer health queries. Customer Interaction Management Himalaya outsourced the entire integration project to a company called Talisman. CIM has helped Himalaya respond to the queries from the customers, doctors and distributors. The main advantage of outsourcing CIM was that they got the module up and running in 2 weeks. Hence, all the queries were catered to and the expertise of Talisman helped them build and strong and fool proof CIM. Also, the work load has been reduced as the primary scanning is done by customer service representatives of Talisman and then the calls / emails are forwarded to the in-house people.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

A South Korean Company that Operates in China Essay -- Asian Economics

A South Korean Company that Operates in China This report address’s the requirements at hand to select a South Korean company that has operations in China Executive Summary: In 1992, Samsung Electronics adopted the form of a wholly owned subsidiary as the entry mode into China. It’s entry into China was in order to maintain growth due to the tough competition in Korea. China was selected in order to take advantage of its low wages for the mass production of low to medium priced products. The initial manufacturing ground was at Tianjin due to its costal location hence making it easy to export abroad and to major locations in China. The original focus of producing low cost products resulted in a cheap image of Samsung in China and led to a loss of US$210,000 in 1998 for its Suzhou division. The 1997 Asian economic crisis led to Samsung shifting its focus towards higher quality products. Samsung realised they could not compete with the Chinese manufacturers in terms of low priced products. In order to remain competitive in China, Samsung shifted its marketing strategy to one based on â€Å"selection and concentration†. After 1997, the focus was on the 10 major cities in China including Beijing, Tianjin, Suzhou, Shanghai and Guangzhou. Samsung came up with the â€Å"5% strategy†, targeting their products at the top 5% earners in China. The intensity of their Research & Development (R&D) in China grew with the expansion of their plant at Suzhou. Recently, there appears to be a shift in their operations from the Pearl River Delta to the Yangtze River Delta. This allows Samsung to take advantage of the better skilled personnel and infrastructure available for R&D. Samsung also set up a second Headquarters in Beijing which is responsible for marketing, personnel recruitment and for shaping of Samsung’s long term ambitions in China. Introduction: The Samsung group has 116 subsidiaries in 67 countries and received sales revenue from local subsidiaries of US$29billion. Over the last 5 years sales and net income have increased 1.6 times and 45 times, respectively. Sales in 2010 are anticipated to be 1.9 times that of 2002, with pre-tax profits expected to increase 2.1 times. Samsung is a heavily diversified company, and in order to best demonstrate its market entry to China, the report will look at the electronics arm to demonstr... ...eman, E., 2003. "Can the Pearl River Delta region still compete?", in The China Business Review, 30(3): 6-17, pages 53-63.  · Skopal, A. and C.J.Zhu, 2002. "An evaluation of entry strategy development in China?", in The 4th International Symposium on Multinational Business Management Proceedings, Nanjing, China, May 19-21, pages 65-73  · New York Times, 1991, (cited 9 May 2005) ‘Korean Companies in China’, late edition (East Coast), New York, pg. D20,  · Christian Science Monitor, 1992, (cited 9 May 2005) ‘High-Tech Giant Gears for Future The president of Samsung Electronics Company’, pre-1997 Full text, Boston, Mass, pg. NOPGCIT,  · Strategic Direction, 1999, (cited 9 May 2005), ‘Samsung Electronics play the China Card’, Bradford: Jul/Aug, Vol.15, Iss. 7, pg. 24  · Sender H., 2003, (cited 9 May 2005) ‘World Business (A Special Report); Back From the Brink: Samsung Electronics got into trouble by being like many Asian firms; It survived by being different’, Wall Street Journal (Eastern Edition), New York, Sep. 22, pg. R.5  · Lee, B. J., 2004, (cited 9 May 2005) ‘Gotta Be Chinese’, Newsweek New York: Jun 28, Vol. 143, Iss. 26, pg. E8

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Quantitative Marketing Research

Quantitative marketing research is the application of quantitative research techniques to the field of marketing. It has roots in both the positivist view of the world, and the modern marketing viewpoint that marketing is an interactive process in which both the buyer and seller reach a satisfying agreement on the â€Å"four Ps† of marketing: Product, Price, Place (location) and Promotion. As a social research method, it typically involves the construction of questionnaires and scales. People who respond (respondents) are asked to complete the survey.Marketers use the information so obtained to understand the needs of individuals in the marketplace, and to create strategies and marketing plans. Contents [hide] †¢1 Scope and requirements †¢2 Typical general procedure †¢3 Statistical analysis o3. 1 Reliability and validity o3. 2 Types of errors †¢4 See also †¢5 List of related topics †¢6 References [edit] Scope and requirements This section is empty . You can help by adding to it. (July 2010) [edit] Typical general procedure Simply, there are five major and important steps involved in the research process: 1. Defining the Problem. 2.Research Design. 3. Data Collection. 4. Analysis. 5. Report Writing & presentation. A brief discussion on these steps is: 1. Problem audit and problem definition – What is the problem? What are the various aspects of the problem? What information is needed? 2. Conceptualization and operationalization – How exactly do we define the concepts involved? How do we translate these concepts into observable and measurable behaviours? 3. Hypothesis specification – What claim(s) do we want to test? 4. Research design specification – What type of methodology to use? – examples: questionnaire, survey 5.Question specification – What questions to ask? In what order? 6. Scale specification – How will preferences be rated? 7. Sampling design specification – Wh at is the total population? What sample size is necessary for this population? What sampling method to use? – examples: Probability Sampling:- (cluster sampling, stratified sampling, simple random sampling, multistage sampling, systematic sampling) & Nonprobability sampling:- (Convenience Sampling,Judgement Sampling, Purposive Sampling, Quota Sampling, Snowball Sampling, etc. ) 8. Data collection – Use mail, telephone, internet, mall intercepts 9.Codification and re-specification – Make adjustments to the raw data so it is compatible with statistical techniques and with the objectives of the research – examples: assigning numbers, consistency checks, substitutions, deletions, weighting, dummy variables, scale transformations, scale standardization 10. Statistical analysis – Perform various descriptive and inferential techniques (see below) on the raw data. Make inferences from the sample to the whole population. Test the results for statistical sig nificance. 11. Interpret and integrate findings – What do the results mean? What conclusions can be drawn?How do these findings relate to similar research? 12. Write the research report – Report usually has headings such as: 1) executive summary; 2) objectives; 3) methodology; 4) main findings; 5) detailed charts and diagrams. Present the report to the client in a 10 minute presentation. Be prepared for questions. The design step may involve a pilot study to in order to discover any hidden issues. The codification and analysis steps are typically performed by computer, using statistical software. The data collection steps, can in some instances be automated, but often require significant manpower to undertake.Interpretation is a skill mastered only by experience. [edit] Statistical analysis The data acquired for quantitative marketing research can be analysed by almost any of the range of techniques of statistical analysis, which can be broadly divided into descriptive statistics and statistical inference. An important set of techniques is that related to statistical surveys. In any instance, an appropriate type of statistical analysis should take account of the various types of error that may arise, as outlined below. [edit] Reliability and validity Research should be tested for reliability, generalizability, and validity.Generalizability is the ability to make inferences from a sample to the population. Reliability is the extent to which a measure will produce consistent results. †¢Test-retest reliability checks how similar the results are if the research is repeated under similar circumstances. Stability over repeated measures is assessed with the Pearson coefficient. †¢Alternative forms reliability checks how similar the results are if the research is repeated using different forms. †¢Internal consistency reliability checks how well the individual measures included in the research are converted into a composite measure.Internal consistency may be assessed by correlating performance on two halves of a test (split-half reliability). The value of the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient is adjusted with the Spearman–Brown prediction formula to correspond to the correlation between two full-length tests. A commonly used measure is Cronbach's ? , which is equivalent to the mean of all possible split-half coefficients. Reliability may be improved by increasing the sample size. Validity asks whether the research measured what it intended to. Content validation (also called face validity) checks how well the content of the research are related to the variables to be studied; it seeks to answer whether the research questions are representative of the variables being researched. It is a demonstration that the items of a test are drawn from the domain being measured. †¢Criterion validation checks how meaningful the research criteria are relative to other possible criteria. When the criterion is collected later the goal is to establish predictive validity. †¢Construct validation checks what underlying construct is being measured.There are three variants of construct validity: convergent validity (how well the research relates to other measures of the same construct), discriminant validity (how poorly the research relates to measures of opposing constructs), and nomological validity (how well the research relates to other variables as required by theory). †¢Internal validation, used primarily in experimental research designs, checks the relation between the dependent and independent variables (i. e. Did the experimental manipulation of the independent variable actually cause the observed results? †¢External validation checks whether the experimental results can be generalized. Validity implies reliability: A valid measure must be reliable. Reliability does not necessarily imply validity, however: A reliable measure does not imply that it is valid. [edit] Type s of errors Random sampling errors: †¢sample too small †¢sample not representative †¢inappropriate sampling method used †¢random errors Research design errors: †¢bias introduced †¢measurement error †¢data analysis error †¢sampling frame error †¢population definition error †¢scaling error †¢question construction error Interviewer errors: †¢recording errors cheating errors †¢questioning errors †¢respondent selection error Respondent errors: †¢non-response error †¢inability error †¢falsification error Hypothesis errors: †¢type I error (also called alpha error) othe study results lead to the rejection of the null hypothesis even though it is actually true †¢type II error (also called beta error) othe study results lead to the acceptance (non-rejection) of the null hypothesis even though it is actually false [edit] See also †¢Choice Modelling †¢Quantitative research †¢Qualitative research †¢Enterprise Feedback Management †¢Marketing research †¢mTAB †¢QuestionPro †¢Qualtrics Computer-assisted telephone interviewing †¢Computer-assisted personal interviewing †¢Automated computer telephone interviewing †¢Official statistics †¢Bureau of Labor Statistics †¢Questionnaires †¢Questionnaire construction †¢Paid survey †¢Data Mining †¢Brand strength analysis †¢NIPO Software †¢DIY research †¢SPSS †¢Online panel †¢Rating scale †¢Master of Marketing Research †¢Maximum Difference Preference Scaling †¢Urtak [edit] List of related topics †¢List of marketing topics †¢List of management topics †¢List of economics topics †¢List of finance topics †¢List of accounting topics [edit] References †¢Bradburn, Norman M. nd Seymour Sudman. Polls and Surveys: Understanding What They Tell Us (1988) †¢Converse, Jean M. Survey Research in the Unite d States: Roots and Emergence 1890-1960 (1987), the standard history †¢Glynn, Carroll J. , Susan Herbst, Garrett J. O'Keefe, and Robert Y. Shapiro. Public Opinion (1999) textbook †¢Oskamp, Stuart and P. Wesley Schultz; Attitudes and Opinions (2004) †¢James G. Webster, Patricia F. Phalen, Lawrence W. Lichty; Ratings Analysis: The Theory and Practice of Audience Research Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2000 †¢Young, Michael L. Dictionary of Polling: The Language of Contemporary Opinion Research (1992)

Friday, November 8, 2019

Bertrand Russell essays

Bertrand Russell essays Bertrand Russell is a very adamant philosopher and he feels strongly about how philosophy relates to people and everyday life. He is a strong believer in philosophical thinking and casting doubt upon everyday questions and actions. Russell believes that philosophy can enlarge our intellect by asking questions to various things which can be analyzed to a greater extent. Not to find exact answers to these questions, but to further our knowledge and to, Enlarge our conception of what is possible. In the reading on the value of philosophy, Russell makes a distinct difference between science and philosophy. He says that philosophy is separate from science because philosophy does not present any definite answers to its questions. Those questions that have definite answers are placed in the sciences. He states that as soon as definite knowledge concerning any subject becomes possible, that subject ceases to be called philosophy, and becomes a separate science. Russell believes that people should study philosophy to increase their knowledge and step out of what they know is real and true. He mentions the practical man in his writing as a person who is only concerned with what they need to survive physically. Russell thinks that people need to feed their minds with knowledge to better the person and all of mankind. He thinks society would be better off thinking in a philosophical sense, rather than sticking to what they already know and what they were raised to think. He thinks that the more people to do so, the better. He wants people to practice philosophical thinking, more so than studying the subject. He thinks all people should do so that are serious about philosophy, but not the people who are closed-minded individuals who stick to concrete beliefs and are not open to interpretation and questioning of issues. While taking this philosophy class this semester, I hope to further my knowledge in...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Compare and Contrast the Egyptian Palette of Narmer and the essays

Compare and Contrast the Egyptian Palette of Narmer and the essays Narmer was the name of the Egyptian king who ruled in 3100 BCE the first dynastic period of Egypt The palette which is made of Mudstone depicts scenes in high relief and the kings name using pictographs (an early form of writing, Narmer = fish and chisel). Palettes were used for grinding and this one being found in the temple of Horus may have been used for religious ceremonies. King Narmer is the main character in the various scenes; the images show him as the great unifier, protector, and leader in Hieratic Scale. Hieratic Scale signifies the status of an individual or groups by relative size. The images on the front and back of the palette show Narmer as the absolute ruler of Upper and Lower Egypt using natural (dead enemy, soldiers and servants) and super-natural forms (Long necked feline creatures, Horus (falcon with human hands) and Bulls with human faces). Naramsin was the name of a grandson of the Akkadian King Sargon who ruled northern Mesopotamia in 2332 BCE. The Stele, which is an upright stone, depicts and image in high relief of the King and his soldiers on a mountain with his enemy dead, dieing or pleading for mercy. It is believed to have been created to celebrate/record his military victory. The shape of the Stele is included as part of the artwork. The Stele stone, is mountain in shape, and the scene depicted, takes place on a mountain giving it a highly stylized visualization. The King is ascending the mountain wearing a horned crown under images of three suns (solar gods) above, and soldiers below. The components of the image are also made to Hieratic Scale. The king is bigger and more centered relative to other components of the total image. The two pieces, The Palette of Narmer, and the Stele of Naramsin, share the concept of presenting a scene, which is meant to awe the viewer and ingrain the thought of Imperial Authority (Rulers either being gods or god-like). The rulers by ...

Monday, November 4, 2019

NSA and the 4TH Amendment Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

NSA and the 4TH Amendment - Assignment Example An example of politics not impacting the choice one makes is the fact that the Democrats did nothing to take away the government’s assumed power of warrantless surveillance when they gained control of the White House and the Senate. Warrantless Surveillance will continue to be a mode of operation by the Federal Government. Things will continue to go pretty much as they have since 2001. There will continue to be court cases which will challenge the right of the government to engage in what some would call an illegal operation. It is hard to challenge the right of the government to engage in what some would call an illegal operation. It is hard to argue against the security of our nation as being a reason for gathering certain information and tapping foreign phone calls. When looking at utopia, our country would not need to gather this information because everyone would be doing what is expected of them and not out to harm their neighbor. The government would function as an arm of the people, providing for the common good of all Americans. The court system would be engaged in the enforcement of our laws and not arguing about what is constitutional or unconstitutional. A sad thing that would happen with the disappearance of warrantless surveillance, people would lose their job. The news shows on television would have to find something else to discuss and Senators Kerry and McCain would begin addressing more pressing

Friday, November 1, 2019

Marketing A.B Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Marketing A.B - Essay Example The information presented in the article simplified the challenges faced by different support functions in the organization when faced with the need to develop functional strategies. The credibility of the authors forming the Berkeley Partnership is verified and closer review of their credentials revealed that they are â€Å"experienced consultants who combine strong strategy and delivery skills with positive and engaging personalities. They provide the support the client needs, whether project management consultancy on the ground for an extended period, help through a critical phase of work or simply advice† (The Berkeley Partnership: About Berkeley 1). Therefore, their advice regarding developing functional strategies are supported by years of experience in the field of consultancy and management. However, one is strongly convinced that the article lacks appropriate credible support from academic sources and real life organizational experiences. Although the focus was primarily on determining the rationale for difficulties in developing functional strategies, readers are actually wanting on information or even on a general overview of how functional departments could be assisted and advised on the techniques and appropriate guidelines of the development of strategies, per se. Overall, this article could be used in terms of determining how to overcome challenges in the development of functional strategies but more effective substantiation needs to be sourced from other credible and authoritative sources. The article proffered issues pertinent to the design of a framework for the evaluation of strategies developed in the organizational setting. As disclosed, the need for evaluation and implementation of corrective action are always crucial and needed except when: â€Å"(1) external and internal factors have not significantly changed and (2) the firm is progressing satisfactorily toward